Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chapter Six

My opinion of politics is more influenced by social issues because I have a lot of morals and values.  I am very conservative and I make my votes based on politicians that have conservative values.  My morals and values stance would be against abortion, homosexuality, etc..  My political affiliation leans more towards Republican because of my strong christian, conservative values.  It is very important to my parents and grandparents which political party they identify with because of their beliefs.  I do not really discuss politics very much with my friends.  Everyone is entitled to their own political affiliation.  I feel that it is okay for news agencies to create polls and then report on them because it allows many people to see what opinions others have.  American news media is very dependent upon polls I think because they have to have more than one persons valid opinion as to whom they will vote into office, their stance on political issues, economic issues, and social issues.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chapter Five

I personally feel that the government does far too little to reduce gender discrimination.  Our country elected a black male president before allowing a woman to take office. Men still get higher positions in the jobs and higher pay, while women are still at the bottom of the barrel.   Women are not treated equal to men and the government does not make this a necessary issue due to the fact that our political system consists of mainly males. 
    Our government does too little to reduce the instances of sexual orientation by not allowing homosexuals to have as many rights as heterosexuals in our country.  I personally do not approve of homosexual relationships but I do think that they should have equal rights.  They should be allowed to have equal opportunities in employment and communities and not be discriminated against.
     The government does too little too reduce the instances of racial discrimination because our government is predominately white males.  I feel that people of all races have the right to hold political offices.  People of all races should be treated equally.  The government should see that all people are treated equally.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Chapter One

Seperation of powers is important for our government because it keeps from any one particular branch of government from becoming to strong and abusing its power.  Each branch of government has its own duty to our government.  The Legislative Branch makes the laws, the Executive Branch executes the laws, and the Judicial Branch interprets the laws.  All three branches balance each other.
     Conservatives makes the most sense of an ideology to me because they focus more on improving peoples lives.  They believe in traditional American values and a strong national defense.  Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability.  Conservatist seem to have more morals and values.  Our military is our countries strongest defense system and conservatives back them.  People should receive governmental programs such as welfare when needed but in the long run they should learn to become self-reliant.  God should not be prohibited from being acknowledged in schools and government buildings.
          The United States is, indeed, a republic, not a democracy. A democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. A republic, on the other hand, is a system in which the people choose representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on their behalf.